Free Android Ebook Download For Developer

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Android Developer Fundamentals: Learn to create Android Applications is a training course created by the Google Developer Training team. You learn basic Android programming concepts and build a variety of apps, starting with Hello World and working your way up to apps that use content providers and loaders. This practical workbook guides you through creating Android apps to practice and perfect the skills you’re learning.

Topics included: Build Your First App • Activities • Testing, Debugging, and Using Support Libraries • User Interaction • Delightful User Experience • Testing your UI • Background Tasks • Triggering, Scheduling, and Optimizing Background Tasks • Preferences and Settings • Storing Data Using SQLite • Sharing Data with Content Providers • Loading Data Using Loaders.


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Book Details

Author(s): Google Developer Training team
Publisher: –
Published: June 2017
Format(s): PDF, HTML(Online)
File size: 21.89 MB
Number of pages: 566
Download / View Link(s): Download Read online.

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Android is the preferred mobility development environment worldwide and more than 66% of all smart phone developers’ work exclusively for Android. With such a big market share and frequent updates from Google, Android has become the most happening and lucrative mobility platform with a vibrant ecosystem.

I personally am a big fan of Android and when I look into my own smartphone and the apps inside it. I too wish that at least I should have one app of my own in my smartphone. Learning to develop on this platform is quite fun and can definitely bring quite a bit earnings for you. It’s also interesting to know that how inexpensive it is to learn android development and collect big bucks straight into your pocket in no time.

If you are serious about learning Android programming and want to build apps or games I would recommend you try out these 20 resources which I have listed in my post. The most exciting part of it is that, you don’t have to spend a single penny for learning it, just a sincere effort what it all takes. I have added all the free resources to learn Android programming which I am currently following myself and some I have searched on the web and think are the best ones to help you as a beginner in this field.

I have categorized these resources into sections like Tutorials, eBooks, Video lectures and forums so that you can choose according to your needs.

Free Tutorials and Blogs:

If you are a beginner, it is always better to start with Android Tutorials and blogs which will provide you a detail roadmap and necessary coding knowledge to kick start your Android app development projects. So below are lists of some websites and blogs from where you can learn Android programming for free.

1) Android Official is purely dedicated to Android developers with its official tutorials, community and open source development specially designed for Androiders. It also has how to tutorials to help you develop apps from scratch. You can also find documentation and guides about the APIs required for Android development. If you are a seasoned developer and know your way around lengthy documentation this site is all you need. This site will also provide you the tools and SDKs required for native Android development.

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2) vogella
Vogella also has huge collection of tutorials for Android developers. You can get free tutorials for starters and also for advanced programmers along with great tools categorized into sections. It is one of the popular blogs for learning mobility development.

3) Java Code Geeks
This website has Android as well as Java tutorials which are of great use for any beginner. Android Section is also divided into two sections Android Core Tutorials and Android Games. So if you are also interested in developing Android games this can be a great resource for you to start with.

4) coreservlets
Coreservlets consist of series of tutorials on Android programming. You can also view it as self-paced course since it contains exercises as well as solutions for it. Although you required pre knowledge of Java for studying Android but need not worry!! You can also find Java Tutorial in this website.

5) Eduonix
Here is another cool place where you will find good tutorials and easy explained tutorials and blogs on Android. Same as Coreserveltes, you can also find Java Tutorials sections if you are unfamiliar with Java and then you can move towards Android Tutorials. Eduonix blog is divided into different programming categories like HTML5, Java, Phonegap, etc.

Yet another Android Tutorials blog which are written by Ravi Tamada. Mr Ravi is Android Developer himself and likes to share his experience and knowledge within this site. So if you are following you can also post your questions or doubts in the site.

Free E-books:
While checking for eBooks online you will get hundreds of free e-books on Android programming which has all the basic concepts related to the Android, both for beginner as well as for advanced programming. I have listed below some eBooks which are in pdf format which you need to save in your pc so that you can learn at your own pace. Also you can check out my “12 eBook Readers for Android“ post to help you read below eBooks on your Smartphones better.

7) MacGrawHill’s Android Guide
This famous MacGrawHill’s book will take you deep into Android programming. Once you have finished learning this ebook you can definitely create Android applications, Run and test apps with Emulator and also you can Master Eclipse and Android Sdk.

8) Android Tutorial
This eBook on Android will provide you a brief overview on Android programming and its concepts such as Tools, Sdks, Plugins, How to create projects and lot more.

9) andbook Android Programming
These are the tutorials form Anddev community. In this ebook you will have Intro on Android, Creating apps, Resources for Android, Eg of Hello world app, Layouts and grids.

10) Commonsware Tutorials
Commonsware tutorials by Mark Murphy is a collection of tutorials, walking you through developing Android applications, from the simplest “Hello, world!” to applications using many advanced Android APIs.

11) Android’s Framework
This eBook will help you know security related issues with Android with topics like how security policy is defined, interfaces used to define policy, practices for using interfaces, pitfalls leading to insecure applications. Note: This eBook does not teaches you to build Android apps.

Also check: 5 Best Tools for Developing Android and iPhone Apps

Free Video Tutorials:
Video Tutorials are considered as best way to learn anything. You can find many websites online which teaches programming through video lectures, but they may cost you some bucks. I have found out some websites where you can start to learn Android programming with basic concepts for free.

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12) LearnersTV
Along with learning these Android tutorials learners tv also offers you to download those videos to your computer. In total 5 hrs of video content will take you way around the Android world.

13) FreeVideoLectures
Freevideolectures consists of 50 video lessons which are also downloadable in mp4 and 3gp format is another best platform to learn videos of Androids for free.

14) udemy
With lifetime access to 22 lectures and 5 quizzes, more than 48 thousand learning Udemy’s Android programming from Scratch is amongst best fun course to learn Android programming. Not only you can view videos at your own pace but you also get a certificate on completion of this course. Best free video tutorial you definitely must enrol for this.

15) thenewboston
If you just simply prefer to watch tutorials in a video format then you must try The New Boston’s collection of 200 Android app development video tutorials. By watching these free video tutorials, you will definitely be able to work your way around Android development.

Free Web Forums:
These forums will help you to be a part of Android community worldwide where you not only can find solutions to your questions but also you can share your knowledge with others. But do not forget to read their terms and conditions.

16) stackoverflow
Stackoverflow is a gold mine for all programmers. Stackoverflow also has huge community for android where lots of questions are asked and answered. It is a great place for both beginners and advanced programmers Stackoverflow acts as a one stop solution for techies worldwide.

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17) androidcentral
This website has tremendous resources and solutions for Android developers. You can find topics related to phones, apps, software’s and lot more in this forum. This can come in handy if you are creating advance Android apps.

18) xda-developers
Originally designed for Android developers this website also have a separate subsections for mobile community, Operating system and hacking, Android General and Hacking, Apps and games development.

AndroidPit is open to the public with a more focus on Smartphone-specific technology. This website maintains a respectable level of activity while offering useful tips, tricks, information and suggestion in their forum.

Android Forum is always buzzing with posts. This website as a whole is designed for Android developers to ask questions and clear their doubts when they’re struck in their development. This website also has sub forums for developers, app announcement, and creative designs and also one for Alpha & Beta testing. Beginners in android looking to collect tips & tutorials on how to get started will find this site immensely helpful.

Download Free Ebooks For Android

It doesn’t matter if you are learning Android development as an hobby or to add skill to your profile, these resources are great starting point for your Android journey. I have tried my best to give you guys’ variety of options and I hope you will find them useful.

All the above tools are equally good to learn Android development and once you start learning you can also check out our other post “Top 12 Frameworks for Android App Development” helping you shortlist the toolset for Android development. I would also love to have some more suggestions from your side, if you know any other tool to learn Android programming for free which I may have missed.